Jak většina z vás jistě ví, tak během posledního týdne učinila Evropská go federace hned několik rozhodnutí. Zrušila EGC 2017 v Turecku a následně kongres přesunla do Ruska, a to bez souhlasu členských států. EGF rozhodovala mezi městy Oberhof (Německo) a Soči (Rusko). V těsném hlasovaní zvítězilo Rusko a mnoho členských zemí zaskočilo, co se to děje v nejvyšších kruzích EGF. Česká asociace nezůstává nestranná a byl odeslán níže uvedený email.


Dear President,
Dear members of the board,

My role, as the president of the Czech Go Association, is to represent our players and ensure that they have the possibility to enjoy their passion, and to give to our best players the possibility to play at the top European level.

I respect your decision about cancelling the EGC17 in Turkey, even if I don’t agree from the point of view of a player who planned to visit the Turkish EGC. I trust that you had access to key information justifying this hard decision.

Our concern is about the process and result of the selection of the new site for the EGC17. We understand that speed was the key factor to allow the best conditions for organising the new EGC17. Nevertheless, we think that you should have consulted the members by mail, at least to have their « green light » to conduct a new selection yourselves. Or preferably, you could have send them the two proposals and have an online vote the same way as you have done within the board.

We insist on individual members being contacted if a similar situation occurs in the future.

We recognise that protesting against the decision would complicate the already difficult task of organising the congress in such a short time-span, and so we accept the decision of the EGF board. Still we are unhappy about not even being asked about our opinion on a matter, which is under normal circumstances decided by the AGM.

As we weren’t a part of the decision process, we need to know what were the positive and negative elements of each proposal that led to your choice. We wish to explain it to our players as this decision is affecting our community.

To conclude and getting back to the introduction of this letter, our goal is to provide to our players the best conditions to play. We regret that Germany wasn’t selected as it is  a more reachable and affordable destination for our players and the majority of EGF players  knowing that EGC16 was already located in Russia.

Hoping that the EGF will improve their communication about important decisions in the future and looking forward to read you soon.


Thierry DEFER
President of the Czech Go Association.