Evropská federace Go připravila ve spolupráci s Čínskou asociací Go on-line školení rozhodčích s důrazem na pochopení čínských pravidel. Více informací naleznete v oficiálním vyjádření níže.
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Přihlášky můžete posílat do pátku 24. 4. 2020
European Weiqi Referees Training Class
In order to improve the proficiency of European Weiqi referees and popularize Chinese rules of Weiqi, the Chinese Weiqi Association and the European Go Federation are scheduled to host the first training class over the Internet for European Weiqi referees.
1. Sponsors: Chinese Weiqi Association /European Go Federation
2. Lecturers: Hua Yigang (an expert in Weiqi rules), Chen Zuyuan (an expert in Weiqi rules) , Cheng Caibo (an experienced international Weiqi referee), Yang Shuang (an experienced international Weiqi referee)
3. Approaches of training: The training class adopts one of the two approaches considering the platform’s technical support capability:
Video conferencing. The trainees may use video software through a platform (Tencent – Conference(English Version)) for on-line lecturing on Chinese Weiqi rules, answering questions and examination.
Pre-recorded videos. Videos pre-recorded by the lecturers are posted free of charge on a platform for the trainees, and they can interact via e-mails with the lecturers. The training materials are designated and compiled by the Chinese Weiqi Association.
4. Exam and certificates: The trainees will sit an exam organized by the Chinese Weiqi Association after the training session, and those who pass the exam are to be presented a certificate of honor, as well as a training certificate issued by the Chinese Weiqi Association and the European Go Federation with official seals.

